9:15 AM Adult Forum / Lenten Series

Every Sunday, from 03/06/2022 to 04/10/2022, 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

First of two Adult Forum Series being offered in Lent on Sunday, beginning at 9:15 AM.


The first weeks of the program will be a series called Jesus’ Final Week. This program is a scripturally based study of the events and teachings of Jesus’ last week on earth. The study is based on a book by Cindy Bunch. Our study will cover four weeks and will address two scriptural passages each week. Please see below for the passages.
This series is designed to be interactive and will benefit from your active participation. We will read the passage and then use questions to explore the topic in more depth. I will provide the first week’s study questions in the Feb 25 E-news. The questions for the following weeks will be provided in the E-news to allow you at least a week to do the reading and consider your answers to the questions.
The Overall Schedule
Sun, Mar 6
· Sunday: The Triumphal Entry (Matthew 21:1-11)
· Monday: Clearing the Temple (Mark 11:12-25)
Sun, Mar 13
· Tuesday: Teaching at the Mount of Olives (Matthew 24:1-31)
· Thursday: The Last Supper (Matthew 26:17-30)
Sun, Mar 20
· Thursday: Betrayal & Arrest (Mark 14:43-72)
· Friday: Trial (John 18:28 – 19:16)
Sun, Mar 27
· Friday: Crucifixion (Matthew 27)
· Sunday: Resurrection (Luke 24:1-43)

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