6 PM Men's Prime Rib Dinner

Saturday, November 11, 2023, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Men’s Prime Rib Dinner
Saturday November 11th
6:00 pm - Beverages and Light Appetizers
7:00 pm - Dinner Served
After Dinner:
Miniature Golf-"Fairways of St. John’s"
Bags (Corn Hole)
$35.00 - Payment on-line preferred
(Otherwise check/cash at the door)
Water, coffee & iced tea provided.
(Bring your own wine, beer or soft drinks.)
All men of St. John’s are welcome.
Invite an adult son or neighbor
to join you. This is a men’s,
21 and older, fellowship event.
Please sign up in the Narthex
Contact: Harold Herzog
630-696-6539 or

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