Ash Wednesday - Services

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent, derives its name from the ancient practice of marking the foreheads of worshipers with ashes from the unused palm branches of the previous year.  Ashes historically have had a dual significance.  First, they are Old Testament symbols of sadness and humility.  Job, amid all his troubles, cried out to God from the ash heap.  The second symbolic meaning of ashes is as a reminder of our mortality.  Each of us faces the inevitability of physical death.  Our bodies and material possessions eventually will turn to dust and ashes.  Lent prepares us for the glorious act of Christ's resurrection.  Churches, like St. John's, have special services during the weeks of Lent, but it's what each of us does regarding our spiritual life that makes Lent most meaningful. 

Ash Wednesday Services - February 14

7:00 a.m.       Ashes only                 Chapel

12:15 p.m.     Ashes & Eucharist       Church

7:00 p.m.       Ashes & Eucharist       Church


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